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Upload Artwork

Supplied Artwork

Illustrator: Set to CMYK, embed all links & convert all text to outlines then save as a High-Quality PDF.
Photoshop: Convert to CMYK & save as a Quality-12 JPEG at between 150-300dpi at final size.
InDesign: Collect for Output or Convert all text to outlines and export to a High-Quality PDF.
Others: Print to PDF at full size with Default set to ‘High-Quality Print’ & ‘Rely on system fonts only...’ unticked.


Ensure all included images are CMYK as RGB doesn’t print as it appears on screen.
As a guide, when viewed at 100% scale, 72dpi is PC Screen resolution, 96dpi is Mobile Phone resolution & 200dpi is Photographic
resolution - bear this in mind when deciding if an image is of high enough quality for the distance it’s going to be viewed at.
If an image contains text then ideally it should be above 150dpi but preferably 200-300dpi at 100% size.

Colour Matching

If an accurate colour match is required then please supply a Pantone Colour or printed reference. We will endeavour to match colours as closely as possible.

Sending Files

Files under 10Mb can be emailed, for files over 10Mb go to our website and click on the big ‘WeTransfer’ button.


We're here to help, if you have any questions just give us a ring.


Make sure you let us know you're sending us files before you upload. Not being informed may delay your job. Also, please provide a reference or your name and contact details.

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